integration n. 1.结合;综合;一体化。 2.【心理学】整合(作用)。 3.【数学】积分(法) (opp. differentiation)。 4.【经济学】(产业的)集中。 5.〔美国〕取消种族隔离;给以种族上的平等待遇。 integration by parts 【数学】部分积分法。
theory n. 1.理论,学理,原理。 2.学说,论说 (opp. hypothesis)。 3.推测,揣度。 4.〔口语〕见解,意见。 the theory of two points 两点论。 Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论。 theory of equations 【数学】方程论。 theory of everything 【物理学】(把相对论、量子论和宇宙大爆炸理论都包括在内的)万用理论。 theory of relativity 【物理学】相对论。 the atomic theory 原子说。 Our scheme is good both in theory and in practice. 我们的方案在理论上和实施上都是好的。 combine [separate] theory with [from] practice 理论结合[脱离]实际。 My theory is that we must bring new blood into the Institute through appointment of younger men to important positions. 我的意见是我们学院应该通过重用年轻一些的人来注入新的血液。 theory of games 博弈论,对策论,权衡利弊得失的形势分析。
Study on aristotle ' s conflict integration theories 亚里士多德冲突整合理论研究
Integration theory of university campus planning 大学校园规划整合论
An analysis of the european integration theory 欧洲一体化理论研究
Analysis of fdi to non - agricultural employment with co - integration theory 外商直接投资对非农就业影响的实证分析
Chapter 1 is mainly the evaluation of integration theory of regional economy 第一章是区域经济一体化理论评析部分。
Empirical analysis of china ' s economic development based on theory of co - integration theory 基于协整理论的中国经济发展实证研究
System debugging and experiment procedure proves the feasibility of the integration theory 系统调试及实验证明了集成化设计方案在实际应用中的可行性。
The properties of the orthogonal trivariate muitiwavelet packets are discussed by using integration theory and algebra theory 运用积分理论与代数学理论,讨论三元多重正交小波包的性质。
The essence of the integration theory is to optimize the resources of an organization , helping these resources to develop harmoniously and to produce the heat performance 摘要整合理论实质就是对组织所拥有的资源进行优化配置,使其协调发展,产生最大效益。